
Henry Molaison, it is said, was a man who lived in the past—an amnesia victim unable to form new long term memories, so that each new experience was quickly forgotten. From age 27 (when he underwent brain surgery for epilepsy) to age 82 (when he died last year), Henry Molaison could remember only the first 27 years of his life.

Today—and I literally mean today—Henry Molaison’s brain is being sliced and diced at the U.C. San Diego Brain Observatory in furtherance of neurological research. And starting soon, you can watch the slicing live via webcam. The process started yesterday, and they’re currently (as of 12:20PM eastern time on Thursday, December 3) on break, but a note on the site says that “cutting will resume shortly”.

The World Wide Web is a strange and wonderful place.

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1 Response to “Braaaaains!”

  1. 1 1 RL

    Talk about being on the cutting edge of a developing story…

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