Rock On

usbpetrockIf you’re my age, you’ll surely remember the great Pet Rock craze of the 1970’s. (If you’re not my age, maybe you’ve heard about it from your grandparents.) In any event, here’s proof—if it were still needed—that the world just keeps on getting better: While the old Pet Rock just sat there not doing anything, today you can get a pet rock with a USB connection! Here’s the product description:

Simply plug the USB cable into a free port and let the fun begin. The USB Pet Rock will instantly begin to work its magic. People will stop by and ask you what your USB Pet Rock does. Each time, you can make up a new story; for no matter what you say, it will be greater than the truth – because these USB Pet Rocks don’t do a dang thing. Except make you smile. And confuse your friends and coworkers, which will make you smile even more. So, get your USB Pet Rock today, and help make us rich tomorrow.

Now there’s something that could never have been produced under socialism!

(A grateful hat tip to my friend Johanna.)

In other news, the year is winding down, and everyone else is doing end-of-year retrospectives, so I shall do the same. Check this space tomorrow for a review of the Top Ten posts of 2009 here on The Big Questions blog. And Happy New Year.

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3 Responses to “Rock On”

  1. 1 1 Josh W.

    This is too good.

  2. 2 2 Jerry Roberts

    These couldn’t be produced under socialism? Sure they could. First the government would decree the acceptable sizes and shapes of the rocks. Then everyone would be required to buy one. And they’d be available just in time for Christmas 2014. Have fun, kids.

  3. 3 3 Glen

    I might buy one if it had more than 0 GB.

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