Triumphs of Capitalism

Lifted from craigslist, with a hat tip to my sister:

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10 Responses to “Triumphs of Capitalism”

  1. 1 1 Sean

    If only I hadn’t spent my last 8000 bucks on those magic jellybeans . . .

  2. 2 2 Al V.

    Reminds of the joke: A woman is walking down a street in NYC, when she stops at a kiosk where a man is selling paintings. She looks at them for a moment, but they are truly awful, and the price tag on each is $5,000,000. She asks the seller if he doesn’t think the price is too high. He replies, “Well, I only have to sell one.”

  3. 3 3 Harold

    I think it is a tad overpriced – although I haven’t read it.

  4. 4 4 Henry

    I’d be interested, but unfortunately I haven’t progressed beyond picture books yet. Maybe I’ll come back when I get into the next reading group.

    At least the author is able to predict our scepticism by noting that it is “actually” a very interesting book.

  5. 5 5 Neil

    I think I’ve already read this book–it is about a fool who pays $4000 for an unfinished book and then tries to sell it to someone else for $8000.

  6. 6 6 Super-Fly

    Craigslist really is a free-market playground

  7. 7 7 dave

    wasnt there a guy who traded up a paper clip into a home? perhaps a better title would be ‘triumphs of a free market’.

    @neil – your hypothetical fool would have the last laugh if someone were to pay their asking price.

    dont publishers often (or never in the case of untested authors) pay far more for far less actual product when it comes to advances?

  8. 8 8 Neil

    @neil – your hypothetical fool would have the last laugh if someone were to pay their asking price.

    Yes, and that is the “greater fool” theory of asset pricing.

  9. 9 9 Tom Dougherty

    The first 5 pages of an unpublished book? How much are the second 5 pages, $8,000 too? And the third 5 pages, how much is that? If the unpublished book is 500 pages long and he was able to sell the book 5 pages at a time for $8,000, then he would make $800,000 from this unpublished book.

    “The Killer”. I bet the book isn’t a comedy.

  10. 10 10 Matt

    Another Triumph:

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