The Star of the Phillipines

One year ago today, somewhere in the Phillipines, a reporter checked his web logs and wondered where all the new readers were coming from. Today we celebrate the first anniversary of one of the most unfortunately worded headlines in the history of journalism.

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9 Responses to “The Star of the Phillipines”

  1. 1 1 dave

    =] hrmmm. one wonders how you found this page. ;] one also wonders about his choice of verbs.

  2. 2 2 Harold

    This one has syntactic and synonym confusion, if that is the right way to put it. My favorite headlines are “Gay sex splits bishops”, refering to an eclesiastical conference, and the earlier WWII “Eighth army push bottles up German rear”, possibly apocryphal, but fun anyway. (I wonder if I will see the “your comment is awaiting moderation” box?)

  3. 3 3 Steve Reilly

    There’s even a word for these headlines–crash blossoms.

    The linguistics blog Language Log often has posts about crash blossoms.

  4. 4 4 GregS

    Personally my favorites are “Prostitutes Appeal to Pope” and “British left waffles on Falkland Islands.” But this is a new challenger.

  5. 5 5 Tony Cohen

    Perhaps you have not heard of the Nigerian Russian oil and gas company…

  6. 6 6 Bennett Haselton

    My favorite, from Leno: “Portable Toilet Bombed – Police Have Nothing to Go On”

  7. 7 7 JamesL

    “Bus On Fire — Passengers Alight”

  8. 8 8 Scott F

    I read exactly six words and an acronym before cracking up at this post… oh yea and unfortunate is not the adjective for that title, we are all very lucky that this guy never took psychology.

  9. 9 9 Gil

    There was a great one from a while back about speculators shorting the Vietnamese dong. Can’t seem to find it now, though…

  1. 1 The Star of the Phillipines » EppsNet: Notes from the Golden Orange

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