Star Drop

First time doing this move; that’s my daughter’s voice in the background telling me everything I’m doing wrong. Next time will be smoother:

And a bonus picture:

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8 Responses to “Star Drop”

  1. 1 1 Ken B

    Nice to see in the bonus picture that you are making an effort to see things from Paul Krugman’s perspective.

  2. 2 2 Elizabeth

    Second time. I saw the first. Go you!!!!

  3. 3 3 Steve Landsburg

    Elizabeth: You saw me get talked through it. This was the first
    time on my own.

  4. 4 4 Andy

    Is that for exercise, or just having fun?

  5. 5 5 Steve Landsburg


    It’s a great deal of each.

  6. 6 6 Bob Murphy

    How do I embed this at my blog? This is awesome.

  7. 7 7 Steve Landsburg

    Bob Murphy:

    1) Thanks!

    2) I’m not sure what platform your blog runs on. If it’s wordpress, you want the plugin called “Flash Video Player”, which is at least as awesome as the content of this video. I’ve been very glad to have it on many occasions.

    3) While I’m sure the gracious thing would be to just accept the compliment, I feel compelled to point out that we tend to film only when we’re trying something new. Sooner or later I’ll post video of stuff I’ve actually practiced so you can see true awesomeness. Of course, true awesomeness is relative; my daughter, who started this six months ago along with me, is about 4 million times better than I am.

  8. 8 8 Marcelo

    You mean that wasn’t smooth?

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