Breakfast in Singapore

(Source here. Hat tip to our sometime commenter Val.)

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17 Responses to “Breakfast in Singapore”

  1. 1 1 Jonathan Kariv

    10 and a diet coke please…

  2. 2 2 Brandon Berg

    The Chinese text on the left says, “Popular!”

  3. 3 3 Val

    @brandon: although I think that probably refers to the beef burger with tomato :)

    (I quite enjoyed the taste testing of this unusual burger, over on NpR’s food blog, the salt: . In the comments, someone mentions doing that with a pumpkin bun. Fried butter sticks have also made an appearance.)

  4. 4 4 nobody.really

    Running late for an afternoon appointment in Japan, I tried to order the hot dog I saw displayed on a McDonald’s poster. They laughed at me; this silly gaijin doesn’t know that hot-dog-type food is for breakfast!

  5. 5 5 nobody.really

    They eat a “butter & sugar burger” for breakfast? Great; now I’ve completely lost my appetite.

    So what am I gonna do with this doughnut?

  6. 6 6 Ken B

    “So what am I gonna do with this doughnut?”

    Thou shalt not mock Canadian cuisine.

  7. 7 7 Val

    @nobody. But that is sugar and frying oil! Totes different!

  8. 8 8 Will A

    Making a meal with Butter and Sugar on bread? Seems like a piece of cake.

  9. 9 9 Matt

    This sandwich notwithstanding, Singapore may be the best place in the world to eat breakfast. It combines the typical items from an American/English breakfast with Indonesian/Malaysian/Chinese items, plus great tropical fruit.

  10. 10 10 Eliezer

    Here in NYC, the food police would shut this place down in a second.

    Thank God for the land of liberty!

  11. 11 11 Mike H

    @Matt “It combines the typical items from an American/English breakfast with Indonesian/Malaysian/Chinese items”

    This is not always a good thing. Have you tried Roti John?

  12. 12 12 Stan

    This is a paleo diet nightmare.

    @Mike H.: Roti John is an interesting creation….

  13. 13 13 Brandon Berg

    So it does. To be honest, I somehow completely missed the fact that there were two separate signs.

    When I was a kid, my mother used to make French Toast, and we’d put butter and powdered sugar on it. I guess this really isn’t that much different, unless it’s served cold.

  14. 14 14 Steve Landsburg

    Brandon Berg:

    The ironclad rule at our house was that if your french toast was served cut into quarters, you put jam on it, if it was served cut into bite-sized pieces, you put sugar on it, and if it was served as a whole slice (which you then cut with your own knife and fork), you put syrup on it. I wonder if my mother (who reads this blog) will want to dispute this, as she and I often have very different recollections of how our household was run.

  15. 15 15 iceman

    Eliezer #10: perfect :)

    Tradition at our house was butter, peanut butter, sliced bananas and syrup on french toast, waffles or pancakes. Not sure how it started but it’s a point of no return. I also confess when sufficiently hungry and in scavenger mode I’ve eaten a spoonful of butter right out of the tub…not bad when it’s slightly melted so nice & creamy.

    What makes the picture is the words “healthy” and “freshness”. Also the idea that people can be persuaded to purchase something by writing “it’s popular!”

  16. 16 16 Bill Drissel

    I’d have eaten such a burger for breakfast every day when I was a kid but my mother thought it criminal to put sugar on things that were already good – like cookies.

    by the time I had a house of my own, the idea didn’t appeal any more – sigh

    Bill Drissel
    Grand Prairie, TX

  17. 17 17 Luke

    I love Freshness Burger. By far the best burger chain in Japan. Way better than any American burger chain. One of the things I miss from Japan. And no, I have never had a breakfast burger, there or anywhere else.

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