Play At The Plate

If you haven’t seen this, you should see it. You don’t need to know or care much about baseball to be delighted. It’s the bottom of the eighth, tie score, bases loaded.

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3 Responses to “Play At The Plate”

  1. 1 1 dave

    what i find equally if not more amazing is that (young?) broadcasters completley off the hook play-by-play commentary.

  2. 2 2 Al V.

    I saw that replay shortly after it was posted on youtube. The thing that I found most amusing was that the team in the field is so insistent that the catcher tagged the runner, when it is quite obvious that if he did anything, he touched the runner with his elbow, not the ball or the glove. I think this may have been a situation where something so unexpected happened, that observers didn’t really understand what they had seen.

  3. 3 3 Roger

    The description “hit by two consecutive pitches” is confusing. It must also be very unusual to be hit twice in an inning, and for an 8 run comeback.

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