Archive for the 'Musings' Category

Nakamoto Meets Pigou

Proof-of-work crypto mining generates a lot of externalities. Yesterday’s post was about how not to measure those externalities. Today’s is about how to deal with them.

When miners use vast amounts of power, there are two broad categories of externality to worry about. One is environmental damage associated with power usage. Insofar as that’s a social problem, the way to deal with it is to tax power usage. That is the government’s job.

But the other kind of externality is more interesting from a crypto-design point of view. Miners are engaged in an arms race. Each miner makes the system a little more secure. Each miner earns an expected reward for that contribution. But there’s no reason to think that the miner’s reward is commensurate with the social value of the extra security that miner brings, and in fact there are plenty of reasons — at least plausible and possibly compelling — to believe that miners are over-rewarded. Currently, if you complete a Bitcoin block you earn a block reward of 6.25 bitcoins plus transaction fees that seem to be running somewhere around a tenth of a bitcoin, adding up to something in the vicinity of $300,000. It’s a fair guess that miners earn pretty close to zero economic profit, so their costs should be about $300,000 per block or roughly $45 million per day. Society is certainly getting something of value for that $45 million, but if it only takes, say, half as many miners to provide the same value, then we’re overpaying by $22.5 million every day (that being the value of the essentially wasted energy).

[it’s also entirely possible in principle that there is too little mining, in which case you can interchange all the implicit plus and minus signs in what follows.]

If you subsidize something and you get too much of it, the solution is to lower the subsidy. In this case that means lowering the block reward. If you don’t subsidize something and you get too much of it, the solution is to tax it. In this case that means a negative block reward. I don’t see any reason in principle why you couldn’t have a proof-of-work system with negative block rewards, and I think it’s at least plausible that such a system could be optimal. [The way this would work in practice is that the block reward would be subtracted from the transaction fees and then burned.]

A potentially nice side benefit is that you’d be taxing that environmental damage we talked about at the outset. You might believe as I do that if there’s a case for taxing that damage, it ought to be done by the government, not by the Bitcoiners. But if you believe your elected officials are falling down on the job, and if doing part of their job for them is an automatic side benefit of getting your own house in order, that’s a good thing.

I haven’t thought about any of this quantitatively — meaning that I have nothing to say about estimating the optimal tax rate, but there is, I think, a moral — namely:

It is often said that proof-of-work systems inevitably lead to a lot of social waste. The “inevitable” part can’t be true. It’s easy for the system to levy a tax that brings private rewards in line with social benefits.

Of course one possiblity is that with the optimal tax, transaction fees would not be enough to support the miners, in which case the system would collapse. But with such a small transaction demand, the system should collapse, so that’s not a problem.

I am sure that a lot has been thought, and a lot has been written, about optimal block rewards, and equally sure that I’m unfamiliar with most of it. So maybe a reader or two will contribute to my education here.

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I’ve blogged about this before, but probably less clearly than I should have. A “Why aren’t you blogging?” email from Bob Murphy inspired me to try to boil this down to a few paragraphs:

Let’s imagine a future where cryptocurrency (or more specifically Bitcoin) is widely accepted, and we have infrastructure in place that makes it very easy to exchange Bitcoin for other assets.

I’ve seen many people — both journalists and economists — suggest that in that future, Bitcoin will be quite valuable. (That is, one Bitcoin will be worth a great many dollars, or a great many Teslas.)

But it seems to me that the opposite is more likely to be true. Here’s why:

1) Both today and in that hypothetical future, if I want to send a million dollars to a guy in, say, London, and have him know with certainty, within an hour, that the transaction is irreversible, then I am definitely going to use Bitcoin.

2) Today, if I think I *might* want to send that million dollars to London sometime this week, I am going to hold a million dollars worth of Bitcoin for a while, just in case. That’s precisely because acquiring a million dollars worth of Bitcoin at the last minute is kind of complicated and I don’t want to deal with it.

3) But in that hypothetical future, I will keep my million dollars in an interest-bearing asset, and then, using that marvelous future financial infrastructure, trade the interest bearing asset for Bitcoins about ten seconds before I want to send them to London.

This means that as Bitcoins become easier to use, the demand to hold them should go down, not up, and the value of the Bitcoins themselves should go down, not up, accordingly.

Am I missing something?

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Crypto, Gold and Dollars

I continue to struggle with the question of where cryptocurrency gets its value.

(Note: When I say “value”, I mean private value, as reflected in the price. Social value is a whole separate question, for a separate blogpost.)

To be fair, I also struggle a bit with the question of where gold and dollars get their value. So let’s consider some of the reasons various assets might be valuable, and ask which arguments apply to other assets.

1. Gold is valuable because you can use it to make jewelry and electronics. I have no doubt that this is true (which is not the same thing as saying that this is the only reason gold is valuable.)

2. Dollars are valuable because (at least if you are an American) you can use them to pay your taxes. One hears this all the time, and I plead guilty to parroting it from time to time in the past. But it’s stopped making any sense to me. Here’s why: Taxes are foreseeable. In order to pay my taxes on April 15, I don’t need to hold dollars on April 13, let alone in January, February or March. Instead, I either borrow from a home equity line or sell off some bonds on the morning of April 15, and hold the money until the government cashes my check a week or so later. That’s a pretty small contribution to the annual demand for money.

To put this another way, one billion people paying $100 tax bills does not create a demand for a stock of 100 billion dollars. Instead, it creates a demand for 100 billion dollars for about 2% of the year.

Notice then, that despite the superficial similarity, argument number 1 (for gold) and argument number 2 (for dollars) are crucially different, because in order to have gold jewelry or gold electronics, you’ve got to have gold pretty much permanently employed as jewelry or electronics, whereas in order to pay your taxes with dollars, you can hire your dollars on the spot market and then be rid of them.

3. Dollars are valuable because you can use them to make small unexpected purchases. Yes, this makes sense. I have a $20 bill in my pocket right now precisely in case I want to buy some ice cream on a whim. When I go to a street fair, I carry even more.

4. Dollars are valuable because you can use them to make large, planned, and (if you care about this) anonymous transactions. Presumably this is why a lot of dollars spend a lot of time in suitcases traveling back and forth between the United States and Colombia. I buy this one.

5. Crypto (e.g. Bitcoin) is valuable because you can use them to make large, planned, and (if you care about this) irreversible transactions. I buy this one, but as you’ll see below, I don’t think it can explain a high price for Bitcoins.

Now: How does all of this apply to understanding why people hold dollars, gold and crypto?

1. There is, I think, no good analogue of jewelry/electronics when it comes to Bitcoin (or for that matter when it comes to dollars). That’s one step toward understanding gold and zero steps toward understanding Bitcoin.

2. There is also no good analogue of paying taxes when it comes to Bitcoin. On the other hand, as noted above, I’ve stopped believing this explains much of anything anyway, so I’ll count this as zero steps toward understanding anything.

3. For small unexpected purchases, at least with current technology, dollars seem to clearly dominate Bitcoin, for a variety of reasons including (most crucially) the lack of transaction fees. So I’m going to count this as one step toward understanding dollars and zero steps toward understanding Bitcoin.

4,5. That leaves large, anonymous transactions, and/or transactions that you want to be irreversible. For this, I believe Bitcoins are often far better than dollars. But (you might say paradoxically), this very feature should make Bitcoins less valuable, not moreso. Here’s why: If I want to move a lot of wealth around the world using dollars, I need to hold a lot of dollars for a substantial period of time. If I and my trading partners want our transactions to stay anonymous, we might hold on to those dollars for a much longer time, rather than facing the trouble of re-acquiring them the next time we need them. But if I want to move a lot of wealth around the world using Bitcoin, I can (not with perfect ease, but a lot more easily than with dollars) acquire them moments before I want to transfer them, and be done with them. There’s no reason for me to tie up my wealth in a non-interest bearing asset before it’s absolutely necessary — and with Bitcoin, relative to dollars, it’s not absolutely necessary until quite late in the game.

So — and again, call this a paradox if you want to: The better Bitcoin serves its purposes, the less it should cost (in terms of dollars). If Bitcoin (or some other cryptocurrency) improves to the point where nobody has any reason to hold it for more than a second, its price will be close to zero. One reason dollars are worth as much as they are is that dollars are relatively clumsy, so to use them, you’ve got to hold them a while.

That, then, is one small step for dollars and zero steps for Bitcoin.

I am not saying there’s no reason Bitcoin should be valuable. I’m saying that whatever the reason might be, I don’t get it. And I’m pretty sure that most of the things you hear on this subject are just plain wrong.

There is another reason why Bitcoin is harder to understand than dollars, and that’s this: Dollars have just one price (basically the number of apples or haircuts you have to sell to acquire a dollar). Bitcoins have two prices — the number of dollars you need to buy a Bitcoin and the dollar value of the fees you pay every time you transact. Any argument that starts with “demand is high (or supply is limited) so the price should be high” is instantly suspect until one sorts out which of the two prices is being explained here, and why. But that’s a separate topic, which I already blogged on last week, so I’ll stop here and end with a question:

Can anyone give me a plausible reason (not necessarily a slam-dunk correct reason, just a plausible one) why cryptocurrency should have any value at all, except during the course of a speculative bubble?

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Can you spot the flaw in this argument?

1) Over time, Bitcoin will become increasingly important as a global currency.

2) Therefore, over time, the price of Bitcoin must rise.

The first is a statement of (alleged) fact and hence not (in its raw form) susceptible to logical analysis. This is not a post about whether it is true, probable, possible, improbable or false. I’m just going to accept it for the sake of argument.

The problem occurs at the word “Therefore”.

I suppose that what underlies the “therefore” in some people’s minds is some instinct like this: “Prices have to equilibrate supply and demand. With supply fixed and demand growing, the price must rise”.

Here’s exactly where that argument goes wrong: Bitcoin has two relevant prices: The price of the asset itself and the transaction fee you pay every time you use it. If the transaction fee rises to equilibrate the supply and demand for transactions, there’s no obvious reason for the price of the asset to rise.

In other words: Yes, it is true that fixed supply plus rising demand implies a rising price. But when there are two prices, it’s not immediately obvious which one must rise.

I can easily imagine a world like this:

1) The demand for Bitcoin transactions is extremely high.

2) Therefore the transaction fee is extremely high.

3) Therefore people use Bitcoin only for large transactions. Large transactions tend to be foreseeable. (I don’t buy a car without first thinking about it for a while.) Therefore there’s plenty of time to acquire Bitcoin just in time to make my transaction. Otherwise, there’s no reason to hold it. (And plenty of reason not to, just as there’s plenty of reason not to hold any other non-interest-bearing asset. For example, if you’re hedging against inflation, you can buy interest-bearing inflation-indexed bonds.)

4) Therefore, at any given moment, the demand for Bitcoin is quite low, although the demand for transactions is quite high.

It seems to me that much of what I read about the supply and demand for Bitcoin starts from the assumption that we can model the demand for Bitcoin the same way we model the demand for dollars or euros. But neither dollars nor euros have transaction fees, and that seems to me to make a world of difference.

Am I missing something?

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Concealing Your Privates

Okay, so according to the news, the FBI has recovered the bulk of the Bitcoins paid as ransomware by the Colonial Pipeline Company, by acquiring the private key to the address where those Bitcoins were stored.

No news source I’ve seen has offered anything approaching an answer to the question: How did the FBI get ahold of that private key? Did the criminal masterminds behind the ransomware attack just leave it, unencrypted, on a hard drive or a piece of paper in a place where the FBI was likely to look?

At first I thought the most likely answer was that the FBI must have traded something for that key — say some sort of immunity (either from prosecution or, maybe, from something like a beating). But on second thought, it occurs to me that maybe hiding a private key from the FBI is trickier than it sounds.

I know plenty of good ways to hide private keys from thieves. You can write your key on a piece of paper (or better yet, etch it in metal) and store it in a safe deposit box. Or, for extra security (say if you’re worried about bank employees accessing those boxes), put half of it in one safe deposit box and the other in another, at a different bank. Or, if you’re worried about one of those banks being reduced to rubble in an earthquake or a terrorist attack (in which case no criminal could get your key, but neither could you), you can break the key into three parts, store parts A and B at Bank One, parts B and C at Bank Two, and parts A and C at Bank Three. Any one bank can disappear and you can still recover your entire key.

That secures your keys and makes them safe from criminals, but it does not make them safe from the FBI, which has the power to issue subpoenas to all of your banks and recover the contents of your safe deposit boxes. So maybe hiding your keys from the FBI is harder than it appears.

So let me try again: After etching them on metal, store parts A and B at Location One, parts B and C at Location Two, and parts A and C at Location Three, where you expect to have access to all of these locations (and only really need access to two of them) but none is particularly tied to you — i.e. not your house, not your car, not your safe deposit box. Maybe underground locations in the woods, though that feels a little sketchy to me. And then of course you might want to keep some sort of written record of those locations, which the FBI can find when they search your house or safe deposit box, whereupon they might wonder what’s so interesting about those locations that you felt the need to keep track of them….

You might think the safest thing is to memorize your key (or a mnemonic English phrase from which the key can be derived) and leave no record of it anywhere except in your own brain. That’s fine until dementia starts to set in, or until you’re hit by a bus (in which case your heirs are out of luck, though you might or might not care about that). Or you can leave written clues to the mnemonic that only you will be able to decipher, like “Word 9: The secret nickname I had for the girl I had a crush on in third grade”. This is of course also subject to the dementia problem.

So. Suppose you’re a master criminal, storing your ill-gotten gains as Bitcoins, which you want easy access to at all times for yourself (and maybe your heirs), but you want to keep completely inaccessible from law enforcement agencies with unlimited subpoena power. What’s your plan?

Update: More recent news reports indicate that the coins were seized from a custodial account — based in the United States, no less. In other words, my sarcastic reference above to “criminal masterminds” was not nearly as sarcastic as it should have been. It’s not that these guys failed to think of a clever scheme for hiding their keys; it’s that they never even bothered to try. The more interesting question, then, is how does Bitcoin fall 10% on the “news” that if you let someone else hold your private keys, you can lose your Bitcoins. (“Not your keys, not your coins”, as the saying goes.) The best answer I have (not just for this event but for a lot of Bitcoin volatility in general) is that anything even slightly unsettling leads to a small drop in prices, whereupon heavily leveraged investors fail to meet their margin calls, which leads to big selloffs. But that’s not a full answer until someone fleshes out the part where more sophisticated investors fail to jump in and take advantage of this buying opportunity. So maybe the dip, despite the coincidental timing, had nothing to do with the seizure.

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The State of the Union

I like my eggs poached and slightly runny. If you feel like I just wasted a moment of your time, you might want to stop reading. What follows is mostly opinion, and I’m not sure my opinions about politics are worth any more of your time than my opinions about eggs.

That said:

1) Liberalism — by which I mean the societal presumption that it’s okay for people to disagree about fundamental things and not have to kill each other over it — and even better that they can live in harmony and respect their differences — is only a few hundred years old. It is also, I suspect, a lot more fragile than it appears to those of us who have had the good fortune to live in a time and place where we could take it for granted.

2) Not coincidentally, prosperity — by which I mean that a great many people are not starving — is approximately the same age, and likely to be just as fragile. A few hundred years is, in historical time, the blink of an eye.

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Next in Line?


Let me preface this post by saying that this post is not intended as some backhanded way of suggesting that Trump supporters are disproportionately ignorant. I am pretty confident that rational ignorance (and perhaps even a dollop of irrational ignorance?) is pretty rampant among voters of all persuasions.

That having been said: I am idly curious as to what fraction of those Trump supporters who oppose impeachment/removal are guided by a belief that if Trump is removed from office, then Hillary Clinton will become president. Are there any survey data on this?

Replies that directly address the question about survey data, or that offer plausible arguments based at least partly on logic or evidence, are on-topic. Honest speculation about similar false beliefs among voters of any stripe are on-topic, especially if they come with data and/or plausible arguments. Digressions about what a hero or a villain Mr. Trump is, and what fate he does or does not deserve, are decidedly off-topic on this thread.

Edited to add: I should have added, and am adding now, that the reciprocal question is equally interesting: How many anti-Trumpers favor impeachment/removal because they believe it will make Hilary Clinton president?

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Measuring Prestige

You live in a world with 1000 other people, only one of whom can beat you at chess. You can beat the other 999. This gives you great prestige, because this is a world where chess skill is exalted above all else.

Now your chess skills atrophy, and all of a sudden you find that 100 people can beat you at chess; you can beat the other 900. You’ve lost some prestige.

I want to quantify the fraction of your prestige that’s gone missing. Of course the answer could be anything at all depending on how you choose to quantify “prestige”, but I’m looking for a definition that most people will agree captures their intuitions (or at least doesn’t grate too harshly against their intuitions).

Attempt One: If N people can beat you, then your prestige is measured by 1/N. Therefore your prestige has fallen from 1/1=1 to 1/100 = .01. You’ve lost 99% of your prestige.

Attempt Two: Your prestige is measured by the number of people you can beat. Therefore your prestige has fallen from 999 to 900. You’ve lost just under 10% of your prestige.

Which of these seems more “right” to you? And do you have an “Attempt Three” that seems even better?

In a few days, I’ll tell you why I asked.

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Hypothetical Questions

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the following three things are true:

  1. You believe, to the depths of your soul, that the future freedom, safety and prosperity of your 300 million countrymen depends critically on a construction project that would cost roughly 5 billion dollars, but that nobody else seems willing to fund.
  2. The welfare of your countrymen is one of your highest priorities. Sometimes you express this priority by calling yourself a “nationalist”.
  3. Your personal net worth is in the vicinity of 10 billion dollars.

Now my questions:

  1. Continuing to assume that all of these three things are true, what action do you take?
  2. If I observe you failing to take that action, can I reasonably infer that not all of these three things are true after all?

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Alternative Realities

Romans Pancs, my friend from what is slated to be the other side of The Wall, observes in an email that a substantial fraction of the US population attends church, where they are fed a steady diet of alternative facts and fake (old) news. Yet not many people seem terribly outraged by this, and in fact churchgoers are widely respected for the power of their fact-free, unconditional faith.

Why, then, all the angst and anger and disrespect for those who place their unconditional faith in the fake news and prophesies purveyed by Donald Trump? Whence the double standard?

I have a separate question, motivated by the same observation: To what extent have the churches, by training people to accept obvious nonsense without blinking, created the condiitions in which Trumpism can flourish?

I’ll be glad to hear your answers to either question, or to both.

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Why She Lost

Hillary Clinton Campigns In Iowa, Meeting With Small Business OwnersFor your consideration:

I submit that Hillary Clinton lost because she did not make even a minimal effort to make herself palatable to people like me — people who care primarily about economic growth, fiscal responsibility, limited government, individual freedom and respect for voluntary arrangements.

Because I care about those things (and for a number of other good and sufficient reasons), there was never a chance I would vote for Donald Trump. I gave money to Jeb Bush. Then I gave money to Ted Cruz. Then I gave money to the “Never Trump” movement that was trying to foment a revolt at the convention. Then I gave money to pro-growth Senate candidates. For me, the only remaining choice was between voting for Clinton and not voting for Clinton. (I also considered sending her money.)

I knew that if I voted for her, I’d never feel good about it. That was too much to ask. But I’d still have voted for her, if only she hadn’t gone out of her way to make me feel awful about it. And that she just would not or could not stop doing.

Every time I listened to her recite the litany of reasons not to vote for Trump, I cheered her on. But she seemed incapable of getting through a speech without veering off into the loony-land of free college and unfree trade. Most disturbingly — partly because it was most disturbing and partly because she harped on it so often — was the glee with which she looked forward to rewriting other people’s labor contracts and vetoing their voluntary arrangements. Do you want to accept a wage of less than $12 an hour in exchange for, say, more on-the-job training or more flexible work hours? Hillary says no. Do you want to forgo parental leave in exchange for, say, a higher salary? Hillary says no. And on and on.

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Killer Instincts

So help me out with this.

1) Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel sure that it’s not uncommon, when a guy is murdered for a pair of shoes, or for the 23 cents in his pocket, that we tend to read commentary about how this murder is made particularly tragic and/or reprehensible by the fact that the killer gained so little.

2) The murder of schoolteacher Katie Locke is being widely condemned as particularly tragic and/or reprehensible because the killer had sex with her corpse, which was apparently his goal all along.

Do you see my problem here? How can a good outcome for the killer make a murder both better and worse?

Alright, let’s ask what the key difference is. Here’s one: Robbing a corpse (or a soon-to-be corpse) is a zero-sum game. What the robber acquires comes from the pockets of the heirs. Sex with a corpse is probably a positive-sum game; it’s unlikely to interfere with anyone else’s plans.

Unfortunately, that only makes things even more unsettling. It leads to this syllogism:

  1. People feel better about a murder when they learn that the killer stole $10,000 from the heirs as opposed, to, say, 23 cents. This suggests that they care more about the killer than they do about the heirs, who could be pretty much anyone.
  2. People feel worse about a murder when they learn that the killer got some satisfaction even if it came at nobody’s (additional) expense. This suggests that they care a negative amount about the killer.

Put all that together, and these people must be pretty much seething with hatred for the world at large.

Or to put this another way: It appears (taking the murder as given) that people want killers to achieve their goals when and only when those goals are achieved at someone else’s expense. That’s pretty much the definition of “anti-social”.

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Political Strategy

It now seems likely that:

  • In order for either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio to become the Republican nominee, he must first consolidate the anti-Trump vote, which is to say that either can succeed only if the other drops out.
  • Cruz and Rubio have approximately equal chances of driving each other out.
  • Each would prefer to drive the other out sooner rather than later — i.e. before Trump wraps this whole thing up anyway.

Given that, it seems like one of the following two things should happen at tonight’s debate:


  1. Cruz, after making an eloquent case against Trump and explaining why he thinks it’s important to keep Trump out of the White House, turns to Rubio and offers to flip a coin right on the spot. The loser drops out of the race and the winner takes on Trump.
  2. or

  3. Rubio, after making an elegant case against Trump and explaining why he thinks it’s important to keep Trump out of the White House, turns to Cruz and offers to flip a coin right on the spot. The loser drops out of the race and the winner takes on Trump.

This gives each of them only a 50% chance of survival. But if they’ve already each got only a 50% chance of survival, that’s no loss. And it substantially increases the value of survival, because it gets things over with now instead of a month from now.

If I’m wrong in saying that each currently has a 50% chance — if instead, say, Cruz has a 60% chance and Rubio a 40% chance or vice versa — then they can flip an appropriately weighted coin.

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A Question About the Modern World

Suppose you want, for some reason, to find the length of a randomly chosen river or the population of a randomly chosen city.

In the old days, we all had things called “reference books”, with long lists of river lengths, city populations, etc. You could open to a random page, close your eyes, put down your finger, and there you’d have it.

But now many of us no longer own reference books. We own smartphones instead. This raises two issues:

1) I’m not sure there are online lists of river lengths or city populations that are as extensive as what you used to find in reference books. Why should there be? Nowadays, if you want to know the population of Des Moines, you just Google for Des Moines; you don’t need a site that lists the populations of thousands or tens of thousands of cities.

2) Even if there were such lists, what would be the modern equivalent of opening to a random page, closing your eyes and pointing? Scrolling for a random amount of time seems less random somehow.

So what do you do?

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Dear Old Golden Rule Days

ssyShortly before I started Kindergarten, my mother purchased a book called “Steven’s School Years”, with pockets to store my report cards and school projects, and questionnaires for me to fill out at the end of each school year.

I was not diligent about filling in the questionnaires, and they remain mostly blank. But had I been forced to, I wonder how I would have answered the following question, which was to be answered annually at the end of Grades 1,2,3,4,5, and 6:

(According to my mother, my ambition at age three was to be an electric drill, and sometime after that a rabbit. No other records of my early career inclinations seem to have survived.)

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Seeing Things Differently

Can humans learn to see in more than three dimensions?

What follows is highly speculative (and therefore possibly nonsense), but bear with me. (Or, if you prefer, don’t.)

First, let’s think about how humans learn to see in more than two dimensions. Your visual cortex (at least as I understand it) is pretty much two-dimensional, but apparently your brain is pretty adept at converting two dimensions worth of information into a three-dimensional picture of the world around you.

To accomplish that feat, your brain employs (at least) two tricks. First, it can infer an object’s depth (by which I mean its distance in front of you) from the angle between it and your two pupils:

Second, your brain can infer an object’s depth from the size of the accommodation reflex (change in lens shape, pupillary contraction, etc) needed to focus on it.

Ordinarily, these two methods pretty much agree, and your brain uses that answer to construct its map of the world.

But suppose I could surgically adjust your eyes in a way that breaks that agreement. For example, the angle-method might continue to work just as it does now, but I’d disrupt the accommodation reflex so that your pupils now contract by an amount that depends not on the distance to an object but on, say, its redness, or its squareness, or even just varies randomly. Better yet, suppose I could do this at a very early age, when your brain is still learning how to process visual signals.

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Life in Baltimore

Christopher Ingraham, writing in the Washington Post, points with alarm to a 20-year gap in life expectancies between the poorest and the richest Baltimoreans. This begs the question of whether that gap is too small or too large, or better yet, what the optimal gap would be. Surely it is not zero, which is to say that longevity is only one of the problems poor Baltimoreans face, that directing more resources to life extension means directing fewer resources elsewhere, and that redirecting enough resources to close a 20-year longevity gap would almost surely leave poor Baltimoreans worse off than they are. Even if we were prepared to spend whatever it takes to close that gap, it’s not implausible that most poor Baltimoreans would rather have the cash.

More striking is Ingraham’s observation, in the same article, that in some Baltimore neighborhoods, life expectancies are lower than they are in North Korea. Poor Baltimoreans are certainly wealthier than average North Koreans, so you’d expect them to live longer. Unless there’s some other variable at play (like, for example, a Korean genetic predisposition to long life), this suggests either that poor Baltimoreans die too young or that North Koreans live too long. It’s not clear which.

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Those Clinton Emails

Hillary ClintonIf Jeb Bush is elected president and appoints me Secretary of State, the first thing I will do is set up a private server to handle my official email correspondence. This is not because I expect to have anything to hide, but because I expect my email to be important, and I do not want my service to depend on the whims of the sorts of aggressively incompetent nincompoops who, in my experience, tend to populate the IT departments of large institutions.

The University of Rochester, where I work, provides email services to all its employees. I do not use those services. Instead, I own several Internet domains and manage my own email For all I know, the University IT center might currently be 100% nincompoop-free, but all past experience suggests that it’s unlikely to stay that way very long.

Yes, I realize that one is still at the mercy of one’s upstream providers. But I am here to tell you from experience that the frequency of outages and other disasters is now about 10% of what it was in the years when I was at the mercy of the IT managers.

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Now What?

It was the election of 1994 that knocked the idealism out of me. Republicans ran on a national platform of reform, they won — and nothing happened. My recollection (someone correct me if I have this wrong) is that a series of substantial reform bills passed the Republican house in short order, and all of them died in the Republican senate. My guess (without having thought too hard about it) is that this is the natural order of things because Senate campaigns are so expensive that no matter what legislation the House sends up, there’s always some committee chairman with a large donor who opposes it.

There is no reassurance to be had from the identities of the likely new chairmen-to-be: Thad Cochran at Appropriations, Pat Roberts at Agriculture, Jeff Sessions at Budget, Orrin Hatch at Finance. Even aside from the question of what you can or can’t get past the White House, these are not the sort of people I want rewriting the tax code; they are not the people I want setting agricultural policy; they are not the people I want in charge of immigration reform.

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Amazon’s Bargemen

In early 20th century China, goods were frequently transported by barges pulled by teams of six men. The men were paid only if they delivered their goods on time. Therefore they all agreed to pull as hard as possible.

This is a classic example of what economists call a Prisoner’s Dilemma — a situation where everyone wants to cheat, regardless of whether he believes the others are cheating. Any bargeman might reason that “If the others are pulling hard, we’re going to make it anyway, so I might as well relax. And if the others are not pulling hard, we’re not going to make it anyway — so I still might as well relax .” Therefore they all relax and nobody gets paid.

According to my late and much lamented colleague Walter Oi, the bargemen frequently solved this problem by hiring a seventh man to whip them whenever they appeared to be giving less than 100%. You might suppose, at least if you’re a person of ordinary tastes, that hiring a man to whip you is never a good idea. There’s a sense in which you’d be right. But hiring a man to whip your colleagues can be a very good idea indeed, and if that requires getting whipped yourself, it might prove to be an excellent bargain.

If I’d lived in China a hundred years ago, I believe I’d have gone out of my way to buy goods from the teams with whipmasters — partly because that’s where I’d expect the best service, but also partly because I’d feel a certain combination of admiration and loyalty for the teams who were working so hard to earn my business.

That’s how I feel about the folks at Amazon. Based on the fabulous service I’ve been getting, I’m confident these people are knocking themselves out to do a good job for me. In fact, it’s been widely (and perhaps accurately) reported that during a heat spell a couple of summers ago, workers in an un-airconditioned Pennsylvania warehouse continued to fill orders even as several were being treated for heat sickness.

There’s a narrative going around that tries to paint these workers as victims, though I’ve heard no version of that narrative that makes clear who, exactly, is supposed to have victimized them — the stockholders? the management? the customers? the do-nothing Congress? But there’s little point in trying to make sense of this narrative, since it’s so obviously wrong to begin with.

Imagine a team of ambitious but relatively low-skilled workers. They know that if they all push themselves to the limit, they’ll all be more productive and therefore earn higher wages. They also know that if they all promise to push themselves to the limit, they’ll all break their promises, figuring that success or failure depends almost entirely on what the others do.

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Discussion Question

Imagine a world where everyone is equally risk-averse, and where there are two assets available: You can hold stock in an umbrella company, or you can hold stock in a sunscreen company. Depending on the (quite unpredictable) weather, one of these stocks is sure to gain value at 100% a year while the other is sure to lose value at 95% a year, but it’s impossible to know which is which.

Given this, the smart thing to do is to hold a balanced portfolio of the two assets and earn a comfortable 5% per year. Most people in this imaginary world are smart enough to figure this out. But a small number are stupid enough to put all their eggs in one or the other basket. Half these people are quickly wiped out; the other half become super-rich.

Now we have a society in which nobody smart is especially rich, and everyone rich is especially dumb.

Question: Does this parable contribute anything useful to understanding some aspect (obviously not all aspects!) of the wealth distribution in the world we inhabit? Discuss.

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Chips off the Block

Last week, I wrote to condemn the gang of angry yahoos who have piled onto Walter Block for making a perfectly reasonable argument about slavery, involuntary association, and Civil Rights legislation. Today I write to give Walter’s argument the respect it deserves by trying to pick it apart.

It’s important to recognize that Walter wasn’t making a formal argument. Instead, he was offering a rhetorical framework to clarify some of the issues. His (informal) argument, if I understand it, comes down to essentially this:

Look. We all agree that slavery is bad. And when you think about it, pretty much all of the badness stems from its involuntary nature. This should make us wary of involuntary associations in general, and hesitant to impose them. This applies, for example, to laws that require restaurant owners to serve people they don’t want to serve.

Now I happen to be quite sympathetic to that argument (indeed, I’ve been known to make essentially the same argument myself). In fact, I’ll go further and say that I think any reasonable person ought to be at least somewhat moved by that argument. But I can see where it’s not airtight.

To see why not, let’s take a pass at formalizing this:

1) Slavery is bad.
2) For a thing to be bad, some aspect of it must be bad.
3) Slavery has no bad aspects except possibly involuntary association.
4) From 1), 2) and 3), we can deduce that involuntary association is a bad aspect of slavery.
5) From 4), we deduce that involuntary association is bad.
6) Involuntary association is an aspect of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
7) Anything with a bad aspect is at least partially bad.
8) From 5), 6) and 7), we can deduce that the 1964 Civil Rights Act is at least partially bad.

Now let’s see where the problems are.

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The View From Olympus

Correct me if I’m wrong here:

1) In Russia, there is a law against so-called “gay propaganda”. Reasonable people (including me) consider this a regrettable curtailment of liberty. Some of those reasonable people also believe that it contributes to a culture in which violent acts against gay people are condoned or encouraged. This, if true, is sickening.

2) In Russia, there is also a law requiring most male citizens to serve at least a year in the military. Reasonable people (including me) consider this a regrettable curtailment of liberty. It is widely reported that conscripts are routinely subject to violent hazing that has been characterized as rising to the level of torture. News reports suggest that hundreds of conscripts die every year as a result of this hazing. This, if true, is sickening.

3) Conscription affects far more people than the anti-propaganda laws. In most cases, it also affects them far more severely. (If you doubt this, try asking your friends which they’d prefer: avoiding public discussions of homosexuality or serving a year in the Russian military.) Conscription is therefore, on both counts, the (far) greater outrage.

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Blinded By Prejudice?

I’ve been reading about the passage of the 1957 Civil Rights Bill, which, in its original form, banned racial segregation in theaters, restaurants and hotels (though by the time it was passed, almost all of the content had been stripped out). There’s a part of this history that makes no sense to me and I’m wondering if someone can explain it.

Remember first that this was at a time when several southern states enforced laws that mandated segregation in theaters, restaurants and hotels.

It was also at a time when, as I understand it, the outcome of the legislative battle was very much in doubt, so that each side feared the worst and was eager to compromise. Supporters weren’t sure they could beat a filibuster, which meant the bill might never even come to a vote. Opponents feared a filibuster might be beaten and the bill passed without amendments.

Lyndon Johnson, the majority leader of the Senate, wanted above all else to avoid a major fight, and was eager to facilitate any compromise both sides could agree on. He floated several compromise proposals and actively solicited others, from legislators, attorneys, and everyone else he could think of.

In Master of the Senate, the third in his three-volume biography of Lyndon Johnson, Robert Caro describes a vast number of compromises that failed before the passage of the final successful compromise.

Now here’s what astonishes me: Here you had all these lawyers and politicians, desperately trying to find a creative compromise — and yet, as far as I can tell, nobody ever proposed the compromise that seems (to me) to be obvious. The Republicans and northerners wanted mandatory integration. The southerners wanted to maintain mandatory segregation. The obvious compromise, I should think, would be to have neither — the northerners agree not to pass a federal law, and the southerners agree to repeal some state laws.

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A Sip of Monstrous Moonshine

You and a stranger have been instructed to meet up sometime tomorrow, somewhere in New York City. You (and the stranger) can decide for yourselves when and where to look for each other. But there can be no advance communication. Where do you go?

Me, I’d be at the front entrance to the Empire State Building at noon, possibly missing my counterpart, who might be under the clock at Grand Central Station. But, because there are only a small number of points in New York City that stand out as “extra-special”, we’ve at least got a chance to find each other.

A Schelling point is something that stands out from the background so sharply that we can expect people to coordinate around it. Schelling points are on my mind this week, because I’ve just heard David Friedman give a fascinating talk about the evolution of property rights, and Schelling points play a big role in his story. But that story is not the topic of this post.

Instead, I’m curious about the Schelling points that say, two mathematicians, or two economists, or two philosophers, or two poets, or two street hustlers might converge on. Suppose, for example, that you asked two mathematicians each to separately pick a number between 200 and 300, with a prize if their answers coincide. I’m guessing they both go for 256, the only power of two within range.

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Thought for the Day

If I could choose any name I wanted and require everyone to call me by that name, I think I would probably go with something considerably more creative than “Francis”. Just saying.

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The Most Important Date Ever

I am not one of the public intellectuals who were queried by The Atlantic (link might require subscription) as to which date most changed world history — but on the Internet, you can always spout off without an invitation.

It’s hard to argue with Freeman Dyson, who nominates the day an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, clearing the evolutionary path for the likes of you and me.

(Actually, it’s remarkably easy to argue with Freeman Dyson. I know this, having done so over tea in Princeton, many years ago. He made it very easy indeed, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that he was 100% right and I was 100% wrong.)

At the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum, the standup comedian W. Kamau Bell, after lamenting that there’s no way he can get this right so he might as well punt, nominates the day Michael Jackson first performed the moonwalk on national TV. Unfortunately, his intent to give the most ridiculous possible answer is thwarted by one Neera Tanden of something called the Center for American Progress, who, with an apparently straight face, nominates August 26, 1920 (the day American women gained the right to vote) — an answer that begins by placing 20th century America at the center of the Universe and proceeds downhill from there.

Other 20th-century answers (the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union) are at least more serious, and I think that Anne-Marie Slaughter‘s nomination of the still-very-recent-by-historical-standards signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 is even defensible. But then what about the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which arguably laid the political and intellectual groundwork that made the Declaration possible?

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Enough Already!

Today’s email brings a gripe from Mark Skousen, the irrepressible impresario behind FreedomFest, who could have avoided this problem by being born in the old Soviet Union:

I was in the large Stop & Shop grocery store here in New York to buy some items, including a new tube of toothpaste. I like Colgate, but I can never seem to get the same toothpaste product.

Now I know why. Guess how many different types and sizes of toothpaste Colgate sells?


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Late Night Thoughts on Determinism

Last week, we had some discussion of free will, which prompted some comments about determinism. I’m not convinced that determinism has all that much to do with free will one way or the other, but since the topic’s been raised, here are a few bullet points, jotted down late at night, which I hope will still make sense in the morning.

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The Long Now

Here is a link to my piece in today’s issue of; and here’s the executive summary:

Deep inside a West Texas mountain, engineers are building a clock designed to click for 10,000 years.’s Jeff Bezos has sunk $43 million into this project and that’s just a start. What’s the purpose? “To foster long-term thinking and responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years”, say the organizers.

Now thinking and responsibility are two different things, but it’s hard to see how this project is likely to encourage either. Re thinking: The question of what we owe to future generations is subtle and difficult and requires close attention to difficult arguments; it’s hard to see how a ticking clock will do to foster that kind of effort. And as for responsiblity — if responsibility means making a better life for our distant descendants, then Bezos’s $43 million would almost surely be better spent on lobbying for lower capital taxes. Whether the goal is thinking or responsibility, a giant clock seems like a giant waste of time.

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